Hermana Jarvis had some training meetings for leaders in Neuquen so she dropped me off in Bariloche with the sisters there and went to Neuquen for a few days. So I was in a trio with Hermana Farr and Hermana Barfuss. I love these girls! Hermana Barfuss is SO excited for the work! She has 3 weeks in the mission now and every single person she sees, she asks Hermana Farr, can we talk to them, please? Hermana Farr is super chill and funny and always says, sure, you got a passalong card? And lets Hermana Barfuss do her thing! Their spanish is really really good! Hermana Barfuss's espenol is better than mine haha I love Bariloche! We counted and I've had an accumulative 2 full weeks in Bariloche and I know the area pretty well haha Then when Hermana Jarvis got to Barioche again we did exchanges and had the training of the zone... zone meeting in english? the next day! So we were gone from Tuesday through Friday! And Saturday morning! But I changed a LOT in Bariloche. We found a girl who wanted us to teach the lessons to her in English, so Hermana Farr and I did out best but we were translating everything from Spanish to English in our heads anyway. I learned how simple to gospel really is. Then we found a girl in the street (with Hermana Barfuss) Who we taught the first article of faith (it was our passalong card) and she said, okay, what more? for like 10 blocks of walking! I didnt know, but we walked out of the area of the sisters! oops! But now, I'm a new missionary. I'm excited and happy and everything and it's because of a list of "commandments" That Presidente Casariego wrote his wife while he was in his mission in 1979:
1. We dont fear.
2. We take investigators to church.
3. We break traditions.
4. We are enthusiastic.
5. Faith
6. We mentally visualize the investigatos in the baptismal font
7. Prayer
8. We testify sincerely.
9. We dedicate ourselves.
10. We teach to the level of the people
11. We invite families to church.
12. We baptize multitudes.
Thats what I leanred. And I love it!
Also, we saw a pretty horrible dog fight this week. We were talking to this little boy on the street and his dogs came from behind him and two more dogs from behind us and all started fighting. We ran away as soon as possible! And the owners came out of their houses with shovels and were hitting their dogs on the heads supper hard and they were still fighting all lock jawed on each others throats and everything. It was horrifying.
Also, there are a lot of lilacs here and I love it.
And theres yet ANOTHER dog fight outside the window now. Poor little guys. Eventually, people just grab on of the dogs by the hind legs and drag them off with the other dog still in its mouth.
Also, Norma went to church yesterday! And Claudia and Mayra! Its so awesome! I love these girls! Norma is the best friend of Evelyn, the girl who lost her baby. They met each other in the hospital because their kids had the same hydrocephalus and died within two weeks of each other and they were the same age. Well, Evelyn is awesome and every time we are at her house, she has another friend for us to meet and teach! And Norma wants to join the church! She said she knows its true and she has so much hope for her kid Zahoin (pronounced zion in english), that she can see him again thanks to Evelyn!
Thats it! I love you all!
Hermana Sant