This week was good! On P-day
(last week... not today), we had an activity in the church with all of
our recent converts and two young adults that are leaving on their missions soon. We played games and ate pizza! It was super fun!
Maira had her baby this week! His name is Maximo and he's darling!
night, we had the family home evening at the church because we couldn't
earlier in the week. We are slowing trying to transition it into more
of a fireside instead of family home evening so that the people will
have family home evening in their houses on Mondays.
cool experience we had this week! Hermana Ovando and I have been
working and praying to find more people to teach and one less active
stopped us on the street the other day (he left his house and
practically ran after us haha) and told us about a family that is going
through a hard time right now that he thinks we should visit. We visited
the family the next day, and the father is very interesting in the
gospel and we were able to teach him this week! It was perfect!
this week was awesome because Lucas bore his testimony in sacrament
meeting! he always gets emotional when talk about God or preying so he
was very nervous and scared he would cry, but he did a great job!!!
Well, I'm not sure what more I can say! Its been a good time! I cant wait to meet hermana Jarvis!
The Cayo family! She is incredible! She work so hard in her calling and her job!
This is the mom and sister and nephew of Nelly.

Also, I saved a cat from a tree! I heard a kitten screaming for help (like we could hear her down the street) and we passed by and she was stuck in the tree. I said "Grab my camera! Im gonna save this cat!" and I did haha I felt like a super hero cause that always happens in the movies (Incredibles).
My district.
She's so pretty! And growing so much spiritually and personality! She's an inspiration!