Monday, March 13, 2017

Week 47 - San Martin de los Andes

This week
Well, we went to Bariloche for a few days. Like one and half but it took out SO much time from our area! I hate leaving the area.

I loved exchanges. Its still Jarvis and Ventura. I was with Jarvis... of course:) I also saw Banuera. I took a picture with three of my 5 companions:) LOVE THEM! 

Jarvis is having feet problem so my exchanges was acompanying her to the doctor. we talked A LOT while waiting and waiting and waiting haha

Rocio, the ex jehovah's witness is a star! She loves the church:) 

Quique SHOULD get baptized this week, but because of his memory problem, we might have to postpone it. 

Madelen was up ALL saturday night puking. she said she couldnt go and surprised us by showing up during the second class in time for sacrament:) 

What's your mold status?
Its pretty good. weve thrown almost all of the moldy stuff away and bleahc is my best friend. 

How are things with your companion?
Its good. Did you klnow mermaids exist? She saw a video of it once. I broke her poor heart. I told her theyre not real and she said, "well, YEAH! they arent here in argentina. They're near Australia!!"  Im teaching her english and that occupies a lot of our time. 

What's new in San Martin de los Andes?
Well, tourist season is coming to a close, so MORE PEOPLE IN CHURCH! YAY! 
OH YEAH! The panorama I sent, its a picture of our whole area. Thats all of it! haha 

Do you have buns of steel from all the hiking and stairs? Yes. 
Will I sprain my fingers when I see you again and try to pinch that bootie?

Do most people walk or are there taxis and buses that also drive up those mountains?They walk. There isn't really another way to get up the mountain cause the only way to get there is stairs. you can only pray one of the houses doesn't catch on fire. there are public buses, but only for trips to the other little cities or naighborhoods outside of our area. 

Does Argentina have any sort of government assistance like food stamps or welfare or medical? I don't know many people that aren't dependent on the government here in some way with that. 

What this week was 
sad?Cant think of anything
happy? life. Madelen getting to church:) 
challenging? eplaining mermaids. but also, getting people ready for baptism without time in your area. 
I LOVE YOU ALL! the church is true and Jesus loves us. 

Hermana Sant


1 comment:

  1. Dear mom, Sari and Daniel are so lucky that you are blogging all of this for them! What an amazing record, that's not going anywhere! Such an amazing gift.

    Dearest Sari, your gray polka dot dress is so cute! I hope that you hate it when you come home. ;) I love seeing pictures of things you get to do in ARGENTINA!!! YOUR LIFE IS SO COOL!

