Monday, December 26, 2016

Week 36 - El Bolsón

It snowed in the mountain this week! White Christmas!!! Even though its like technically July here. 

So the traditions here for chirstmas are a lot different. It's like New Years. Everyone stays up until midnight at least and eat a huge Hacado or really like a BBQ but its HUGE. They're like cooking whole pigs and sheep with a fire outside. It's super cool. We could stay in a members house until 10:30 (if they drove us home) and we did that and the whole Yañez family was like, "it's so EARLY to leave!!!" haha Norma was there too :) It was fun! Then on Sunday, we could sleep in until 7:30 and we went to church. Then, we were talking to Norma and the family of Evelyn in the sacrament room after church and I felt SUPER dizzy. I was like, oh no... its OUR vertigo. So I sat down and I was still super tipsy and the bishop was all like "hey... its an earthquake!" He's in his 20's. Super chill. I was like, YAY! Im not Lucille 2! And I just watched the fans on the ceiling move around haha Its was a good minute r two and their saying it was a 6.7 on the scale thing.

Then we had leftover hacado in Viviana´s house. We ate a lot of meat.... a lot. Blood sausages that were BLACK and everything. Super yummy. Then we went to Hermana Portels´s house with the elders and sang for her. Her husband (I think he has MS, but im not sure. He cant talk or walk because hes losing ability to move his muscles...) So we brought Banan bread and sang for her and she had sweet bread for us. It was nice to spend chirstmas with her. In the night, we went to Hermana Gloria´s house. She has a ton of family in town and NO ONE visited her or her mom (who's like 97 and super sweet and energetic) for christmas. That's so sad because i LOVE gloria and her mom. They're the best! 

Well, we find out about transfers tomorrow! Or today... I hope today so that we have time to pack our bags... If I leave. I think I'm gonna stay here another transfer haha!  Well, that's it! Merry Christmas!!! 

Hermana Sant
We did a nativity. We found a picture of jesus in one of the church magazines and taped it onto an umbrella and he was the baby. I do have a beard made out of a sock.  I made the Cristo part of that christmas sign:) Gloria has little chickens! 

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